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الصفحة الرئيسية

Your Opportunity - [Sales Executive ] is highly required to Join INSUMAT sales team

Your Opportunity - [Sales Executive ] is highly required to Join INSUMAT sales team

Industry : Manufacturing [waterproofing products]

Position : Sales Executive 
Location: Giza suburb [Tamouh]
Number Required : [8]
Job Code: SE-INS-02
Job Type: Full Time

Gender: Male (Is a Must)

Education: Any (Business Administration & Marketing majors) is highly preferred
Experience: 1- 2 years in sales (IS a MUST) 

Job Duties will include, but are not limited to the following: 
Generate sales opportunities by identifying appropriate business targets.
Achieve sales target with specified gross margin contribution.
Identify resale opportunities, and support them to achieve sales plans.
Direct the overall sales operations in assigned area of responsibility 
Negotiating and closing sales by agreeing on terms and conditions.
Maintaining and developing long-term relationships with potential clients
Handling difficult customers and their complaints and ensure that every customer of the division is a satisfied customer by having a good customer relations.

Language: Excellent command in both written and spoken English (is a must)

Computer Skills: Very good user of Microsoft Office

Excellent communication skills especially presentation skills
Ability to learn new tasks quickly
Self motivated
Creative thinking
Ability to work under pressure
Ability to work individually or as an active team member
Able to build excellent relations with others quickly 

Salary(L.E): Negotiable

If you’re interested, please send your updated resume including a recent photo to:
Please mention the job Code (SE-INS-02) in the email Subject.

** If you have any recommendation or know anyone who have the required skills and may be interested in the above mentioned vacant position, kindly forward this Job Adv. to him.


20 Haroun ST. Dokki-Giza-Egypt - P.O.Box101 - Orman - Giza
Tel: (202) 37486 613 /37486 726/ 37489 727
Fax: (202) 37487 167
e-mail :

تابع جروب "وظائف الحكومية المصرية" على الفيس بوك

للمزيد من فرص العمل الحكومية والخاصة تابع اكبر صفحة نشر وظائف فى مصر على الفيس بوك

متابعة جميع الوظائف الحكومية لحظه بلحظه نزل الان تطبيق وظائف مصرية من سوق جوجل بلاي

تقدم الى كبري الشركات المصرية والعربية بتسجيل سيرتك الذاتية كاملة
Your Opportunity - [Sales Executive ] is highly required to Join INSUMAT sales team


    الاسمبريد إلكترونيرسالة