جريدة وظائف مصرية , 7 مارس 2014

urgently needed for a multinational insurance company in cairo
position: unit manger
- motivated to achieve
- university degree
- good english is must
- very good communication skills
- males and females are welcome
compensation and benefits:-
basic salary + high commission + bonuses + medical and social insurance .. and more
interested applicants are kindly requested to send their cvs to dawyahmed25@gmail.com please mention (unit manger) in the subject line
Title Executive assistant
job category Administrative
Job description
1. Meetings & agenda : fully responsible of GM agenda in terms of daily revision
2. Handling gm travel reservation and accommodation as well as acting as the liaison between GM and his team while away
3. Performing financial data reviews with the GM
4. General administration and assistance duties-- coordinating travel, meetings, etc.
5. Requires writing, typing, word processing and chart making from memos, letters, charts, faxes, reports and other documents for executives.
Desired skills and experience
1. Bachelor degree in business administration or equivalent
2. 0 - 2 years of experience
3. Excellent command of English is a must, French is a plus
4. Ability to handle pressure
5. Excellent planning and scheduling skills
6. Excellent communication and presentation skills
Please send your C.V to ( jobs.tam2013@gmail.com )
لشركة بحوث تسويق
مطلوب باحثين ميدانيين بجميع المحافظات للمشاركة فى عمل بحوث اجتماعية و بجوث تسويق بنظام المشروع و بأجر يومى مجزى
برجاء إرسال السيرة الذاتية على البريد الإلكترونى التالى
على أن يتم ذكر الحافظة و النوع (ذكر/أنثى) فى عنوان الرسالة
For a Market Research Agency
Freelance Field researchers required in all governorates to participate in conducting Social and Market field research with competitive compensation.
Please send your CV to: hrresearch2014@gmail.com
Pease specify your governorate and gender in the mail subject; otherwise the CV will be discarded.
مطلوب محاسبة او محاسب لشركة انظمة امنية يفضل سكان الزيتون وما حولها وخبره فى اعمال المجزن
للاستفسار والمقابلت الاتصال على رقم 24552560او 01020148923من الساعة 9 صباحا الى الساعة 2 مساء
خبره او حديث التخرج حدود المرتب 800الى 900
Senior Web Designer Needed Now!
Are you a creative designer with strong front end coding skills and a super portfolio website? If so, this is a rare and exciting opportunity to join a progressive, forward-thinking company.
We are now seeking a talented Web Designer to join our team.Joining a fun and creative culture, the successful candidate will have the opportunity to shape our own environment and career path.
As a Web Designer, you will play a key role in the creation of a variety of unique and engaging websites for our client's customers. Specifically, you will design and develop the front end and visual aspects of each site, develop branding and logos and integrate our client's in-house content management system.
Using HTML and CSS, you'll have full control over your output, from the design stage right through to front end development. Leading the creative direction of each design project, you'll work with customers and Project Managers to ensure that work is completed to specification and to a first-class quality.
Your other duties will include:
- Overseeing the quality control of designs
- Keeping abreast of industry trends and developments
To be considered for this role, you must have strong front end design and coding experience.
It is also essential to have a design-oriented qualification and a portfolio website that showcases your work.
As a Web Designer, you must have excellent communication, presentation and interpersonal skills as well as a creative approach.Driven and determined, you must also have a commitment to quality and a plethora of fresh, unique and cutting-edge ideas.
Experience of content and SEO strategies would be beneficial to your application.
Don't miss out on this exceptional opportunity to be a part of something new and exciting - all within a creative and inspiring working environment.
Job Requirements
- Bootstrap
- JavaScript
- jQuery
Keywords: HTML, javaScript, jQuery, Web Design
Mobile: 01149984401
شركة اوريكس لصناعة التشييد تطلب للانضمام الى فريق عملها فورا
سكرتارية تنفيذية
محاسبين دفعات من 2008
مهندسين عمارة و مدنى تنفيذ و مكتب فنى دفعات من 2007
مهندسين كهرباء (باور) تنفيذ و مكتب فنى دفعات من 2010
مهندسين ميكانيكا (باور) تنفيذ و مكتب فنى دفعات من 2010
يفضل من لهم اقامة بالقاهرة الكبرى و من لهم خبرة او مشروع التخرج فى نفس مجال العمل
يشترط الاجادة التامة للحاسب
ترسل السيرة الذاتية على ميل hr@oryxco.com
الشركة تعمل فى مجال المقاولات العامة
مطلوب لمجموعة صيدليات بالسعودية الباحة
صيـــــادلة خبرة سنتان فأكثر
الراتب / 3500 ريال + 1% نسبة مبيعات + 5% لستة محفزة
عدد ساعات العمل 10 ساعات + ساعتان أضافى بــ 400 ريال
الجمعة 7 ساعات بـــ 200 ريال
مدة العقد / سنتان
سكن مجهز أعزب و بدل سكن للمتزوجين فقط 1000 ريال
عقد سنتين +أجازة سنوية 60 يوم بعد مدة العقد
فى حالة قبول العرض يرجى سرعة أرسال السيرة الذاتية + الموهل + شهادة الخبرة + وكتابة ( صيدلى موافق ) عند الأرسال لتمييز السيرة الذاتية وأرسالها لصاحب العمل فوراً
Brouj Egypt (one of the Arab companies to develop real estate)
Need for the following functions:
(In door sales)
. Minimum of (1) years of experience in real estate & sales .
. Location: El Mohandeseen,Nasr city,Al Maady
. Employer :Brouj Egypt
. Basic salary : 2000 LE
+ Commission of 2% to 4%
- Experience in sales and preferably in the real estate the field of.
- Good-looking.
- The availability of communication and negotiation
- University degree
- Versatility.
Ali finds himself wanting to get this opportunity, please send your CV
Send e-mail to the following address:
With the job code (B 1)
For Applying call :
010 26 88 2554
012 20 1500 15
02 – 3748 81 44
مطلوب بنات Telesales للعمل فى مكتب مستلزمات طبية فى المعادى مرتب + عمولة 01201171109
جميع الوظائف المنشورة منقولة من رسائل صفحة وظائف مصرية على الفيس بوك
الرجاء ذكر المصدر من موقع وظائف مصرية على الفيس بوك
تابع جروب "وظائف الحكومية المصرية" على الفيس بوك
للمزيد من فرص العمل الحكومية والخاصة تابع اكبر صفحة نشر وظائف فى مصر على الفيس بوك
متابعة جميع الوظائف الحكومية لحظه بلحظه نزل الان تطبيق وظائف مصرية من سوق جوجل بلاي