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وظائف شركة الأسمنت العربية Arabian Cement Company - بتاريخ 6 يونيو 2014

وظائف شركة الأسمنت العربية Arabian Cement Company - بتاريخ 6 يونيو 2014

Jobs at (Arabian Cement Company)
(4-7 Years of experience)
Commercial- Sales
Delta Area Sales Supervisor
Job Description: 
•Establish and develop the needed customer’s database through the supply chain to the key retailers
•Near follow up to the sales dispatch and delivery as part of customer satisfaction regulation
•Follow up and report the competitor’s activity in the market
•Liaison with Sales Office, Head Quarter and Plant in Sokhna on all Department matters
•Identify channel of distribution, such as wholesalers, retailers
Job Qualifications: 
•University Degree.
•4+ years as Area Sales Supervisor in the cement industry or in a similar activity 
•Very much customer oriented
•Driving license
•Good command of English language
•Excellent technological comprehension: must be highly skilled in as ERP user
Kindly send your CV to: 
Or log in to: to upload your CV

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