جريدة وظائف مصرية , 22 سبتمبر 2014

مطلوب لشركه اجهزة طبيه مندوبين ومندوبات + لا يشترط الخبرة
المرتب مجزى بالاضافه للعموله
أسم الشركه طيبه مصر
موقع الشركه : القصر العينى
للتواصل : 01114560732 - 0223628131
مطلوب للعمل لدى شركة برمجيات كبرى بالعاشر من رمضان الوظائف التالية (من الجنسين )
1. تلي سيلز لديها خبرة في مجال التلي سلز سنتين على الاقل
2. مندبي مبيعات خبرة سنتين في مجال بيع البرمجيات أو في مجال المبيعات عامة على أن يتراوح العمر بين (26:22) عام
الشروط المطلوبة
1. أن يكون من سكان العاشر من رمضان أو مدن قريبة
2. أن يكون حاصل على مؤهل عالي أو فوق المتوسط
3. أن يكون حسن المظهر ويجيد التعامل مع الآخرين
توفر الشركة
( رواتب مجزية + عمولات + تأمين طبي + تأمين إجتماعي )
برجاء إرسال السيرة الذاتية وعنوان الوظيفة على Jobs@programsshop.com
أو abdullah@programsshop.com أو Abdullahothman84@yahoo.com
ولللإستفسار يرجى الإتصال على 01001957454 – 01026052506
Minds for learning and development services is offering part time opportunities
Position: part time instructor or developer
Essential Competencies:
• Bachelor or undergraduates(3rd or 4th year preferable) for the following specialties
o chemistry, physics, biology, geology
o math
o history and geography
o arts
o kids soft skills
o botany (زراعة )
o Business and commerce
o Aeronautics
o Space and astronomy
o Electronics
• Good command of English
• Very good presentation skills and ability to deal with different ages.
• Computer and internet skills
• Creativity and innovation thinking
Preferred competencies:
• Previous experience with kids
• Good command of another languages
• To be from EL-MAADY or near zones.
• MINDS will hire the excellent part-time instructors in its crew
شركة تأمين أمريكية تطلب وكلاء مبيعات
خبرة لا تقل عن سنة في المبيعات او خدمة العملاء
مؤهلات عليا...
لتحديد موعد المقابلة اتصل بالرقم التالي
01223074024 او 01000571504
او ارسل السيرة الذاتية الى
مطلوب للعمل بالشركة سكرتارية مؤهل عالى للاستفسار يرجى الاتصال على :01000882009
our client works in cabs in United kingdom and looking for call center agents with the below qualifications:
-Fluency in English
-Graduated males and females can apply
-maximum age 30 years old
-Cairo residents
-ability to work on shift basis
interested candidates can send their CVs to Hazem.Shalaby@eccooutsourcing.com and mention TX in the e-mail subject or come directly to 33 El-Makreezy st, off El-khalifa El-Mamoon beside QNB bank, eccooutsourcing and ask for Hazem. Good luck
شركة خدمات انترنت كبرى تطلب للتعين تلى سيلز اناث فقط طلبة او حديثى التخرج خبرة وبدون بمرتب ثابت 600 ج كبداية تعيين بدون تارجت نهائيا ويزيد الى 1000ج خلال 3 شهور وحوافز ومكافئات وعمولة تصل الى 2000ج حسب الخبرة والكفاءة وفرص للترقيات خلال فترة قصيرة حسب الكفاءة مع وجود تدريب شامل للوظيفة المقابلة فورمال مع احضار صورة حديثة من 1 م وحتى 4 م بالعنوان التالى
المقطم صبحي حسين امام محطه المدرسه اعلي( كشري ابو نواس ) للاستفسار الاتصال علي رقم : 01092966296
تعلن شركه كبرى عن احتياجها الى :
- مضيفين (بائعين داخل الفروع )
- مقدمين طلبات ( ويتر )
- طباخين
- عمال انتاج
بمرتبات مجزيه جدا على المتقدم ارسال السيرة الذاتية عبر البريد الاكترونى
او الاتصال بلارقام التالية :
لتحديد موعد المقابلة الشخصية .
مطلوب لسوبر ماركت بالمهندسين عامل كاشير وديليفري بمرتب مجزي
للتواصل 01143205172 / 01020912343 sh.atia1985@gmail.com
Customer Service Agent Needed
A challenging opportunity to join GlobeMed as a Customer Service Agent. Being one of the first organizations to introduce the Third Party Administrator (TPA) model in the region, GlobeMed manages today over 2.5 million lives, throughout its franchise operations, connected through an automated cross-border system.
Job Duties: The customer service agent answers inbound calls as well as assist customers who have specific inquiries.
Job Requirements:
• Bachelor Degree.
• Customer Service experience is a must.
• Good verbal Communication skills.
• Good Listening skills
• Must be computer literate.
• Good English Skills.
Location: Mohandessin, Giza, Egypt
Job Type: Full Time (Shift basis)
Salary and Benefits:
• Attractive Salary.
• Medical insurance provided (after 3 months).
Interested candidates, please send your updated CV to hr@globemedegypt.com, and mention the position in the email subject line.
Minds company for learning and development services
Minds Company for learning and development services is offering a new job vacancies.
Position: Instructors and Developers / Part time job
> Education
- Fresh graduates and undergraduates (3rd or 4th year preferred)
- Needed majors in (chemistry, physics, biology, geology, math, history and geography, arts, kids soft skills, botany (زراعة ), Business and commerce, Aeronautics, Space and astronomy and Electronics)
>Language: Good command of English •
> Skills required:
- Very good presentation skills and ability to deal with different ages.
- Computer and internet skills
- Creativity and innovation thinking
Preferred competencies:
- Previous experience with kids
- Good command of another languages
- To be from EL-MAADY or near zones.
MINDS will hire the excellent part-time instructors as a full time job after proven your commitment.
If you are interested kindly send your CV to “info@minds-com.com”.
شركة رعاية طبية كبرى تطلب للتعيين فوراً
• مسؤولي مبيعات code: (157)
• مندوبي مبيعات code: (158)
للعمل بمقر الشركة في المهندسين
مهام الوظيفة الأولى :
• الاتصال بالشركات من خلال الهاتف .
• تحديد مواعيد لتقديم عروض التامين .
• اجراء المقابلات مع مسؤولي التامين الطبي في الشركات طبقا المواعيد المحددة مسبقاً .
• متابعة العروض والتواصل مع العملاء المحتملين حتى إتمام التعاقد .
مهام الوظيفة الثانية :
• ترويج منتجات الشركة على الشركات والافراد.
• الحصول على طلبات الشراء من العملاء.
• تغطية كافة الشركات على امتداد المنطقة الجغرافية التي يعمل بها المندوب.
• تحصيل مستحقات الشركة.
الشروط :
code: (157)
- حسن المظهر
- الحصول على مؤهل عالى
- القدرة على التعامل مع العملاء
- اجادة استخدام الحاسب وبرامج الاوفيس
- - القدرة على العمل ضمن فريق
- الجدية فى العمل
code: (157)
- حسن المظهر
- متوسط العمر من22 الى 26
-الحصول على مؤهل عالى او متوسط
- القدرة على التعامل مع العملاء
- الجدية فى العمل
مواعيد العمل
من الاحد الى الخميس – من 9 ص الى 5 م
مرتب ثابت – حوافز – عمولات على كل عقد
يرجى ارسال السيرة الذاتية على
للاستفسار يرجى الاتصال على الأرقام التالية : 01021183596 / 01115602279
مواعيد الاتصال من 9 ص: 5 م ماعدا الجمعة
مطلوب فورا بالمركز الرئيسى للشركه بالسادس من اكتوبر ( تلى سيلز خبره ) للتواصل 01010002788 / 01023336594 AL.Haramain@yahoo.com
مدرسة لغات بدهب جنوب سيناء تطلب مدرسين علوم ورياضيات (باللغة الإنجليزية) ولغة إنجليزية ، تربية رياضية وتربية فنية للمرحلتين الابتدائية والاعدادية. الاتصال علي الرقم 01222188399 أو ah2mh@hotmail.com
A language school in Dahab south Sinai is seeking teachers of Science, Math, English, P.E and Art for both primary and prep Stages. Please call 01222188399 or ah2mh@hotmail.com.
شركة تأمين أمريكية تطلب وكلاء مبيعات
خبرة لا تقل عن سنة في المبيعات او خدمة العملاء
مؤهلات عليا...
لتحديد موعد المقابلة اتصل بالرقم التالي
01223074024 او 01000571504
او ارسل السيرة الذاتية الى
Recruitment Officer is urgently needed for Securitas Egypt, Male, previous experience in blue collars recruitment and selection,
Please send your CV to hr.egypt@securitaseg.com and mention "Recruitment Officer" in the subject line,
Warehouse Team Leader
Responsible for receiving incoming materials from suppliers, outgoing product shipments, and related store keeping and warehousing procedures in a way to comply with company policies and Good Manufacturing Procedures
• Controlling the receiving of incoming materials and coordinating with other units in order to receive incoming materials on time and in compliance with company policies and regulations.
• Controlling the shipping order processing related to shipping and coordinating with other units in order to ship product on time, at the optimum operation cost and in compliance with local regulations.
• Responsible for Shipping and Receiving plans in terms of communication, preparation, and follow up
• Assuring that all shipping & receiving activities are on time in order to comply with company and customer requirements
• Proper handling and storing of finished product, ingredients, and packaging materials in the warehouse.
• Proper handling and storing conditions of dangerous goods.
• Proper loading and unloading of goods and received materials.
• Providing the full investigation of all shipping SDRs and related customer complaints identify corrective and preventive actions to avoid reoccurrence.
• Reporting supplier service defects on time and support the SSDRs committee following the related programs and SOPs.
• Ensure applying Safety and GMP within the team.
• Updating and maintaining daily records in the related SAP transactions and other electronic and manual files and documents.
• Effective implementation of all the processes applicable to the area.
• Coaching and facilitating the recruitment, training and development plans within the team.
• Responsible for the development and the revision of the operational procedures and ensures their compliance.
• Responsible for OE implementation in the shipping & receiving activities
• Effectively sharing in the Daily Coordination Meetings, other cross functional activities, and DWT sub team meetings
• Assuring continuous improvement in all related activities and optimum utilization of available resources.
• Responsible to drive results according to BP and illustrate achievements on monthly basis.
• Providing shipping and receiving BP on time and aligned with company’s objectives and plans.
• Backup other WH activities if necessary.
Leadership skills
Computer skills
Problem solving skills
Very Good in English
If you are qualified and interested to apply please send your cv to ccphrrecruitment@coca-cola.com, and please mention the position title in the subject line.
Reserve your spot before the 23rd of sep and receive 15% early bird reservation.
For more information on this workshop!
Contact us on: 02-27048862, Or Email us on: info@jupitereclipse.com
Visit our website for more details: www.jupitereclipsetraining.com
We are currently recruiting for Treasury Specialist to Join Savola Foods Egypt.
Required Qualifications:
Bachelor’s degree in Finance / Accounting
Preferably CMA, CTP or CFM certified
3-5 years experience in the Treasury field within a multinational environment
If interested, please send you CV to: HRAfia@savola.com mentioning the position you are applying for in the subject of your mail .
One of the Leading Rent Cars Company which has 37 branches in KSA, seeking to hire Receptionists and Customer Services Clerk.
• The Candidate should be:
- Have BA preferred Tourism and Hotels.
- Have Experience working in Hotels or Tourism field
- Male.
- Good English language.
- Presentable
- Very good PC skills.- Ambitious and team work player.
- Very good Communication and Selling skills.
Basic Salary: SR 2,500 + Commission + Transportation + Housing + Career advancement
Work Place: KSA
Interested applicants are kindly requested to send their CVs to:
Electrical Maintenance Engineer
MADA is Hiring Now Electrical Maintenance Engineer for a Factory Located In Badr City, Experience:3-5 Years in Factories, English: Very Good, Preferred residency in or near Badr City, Al-Shrouk City, Al-Obour City, 10th of Ramadan, Al-Sharqeya, Al-Zaqaziq - Belbes.
Interested Candidates Should Send their Updated CVs to osama_abdelrazek@mada.com.eg
1) Sales Outdoor - 6th of October
MADA is Hiring Now Sales Outdoor in 6th of October for a Factory Located In Badr City, Experience:1-3 Years in Factories, English: Very Good, Must Own a Car, Preferred residency in or 6th of October, Interested Candidates Should Send their Updated CVs to osama_abdelrazek@mada.com.eg
2) Sales Outdoor - 10th of Ramadan.
MADA is Hiring Now Sales Outdoor in 10th of Ramadan. for a Factory Located In Badr City, Experience:1-3 Years in Factories, English: Very Good, Must Own a Car, Preferred residency in or near 10th of Ramadan., Interested Candidates Should Send their Updated CVs to osama_abdelrazek@mada.com.eg
Purchasing Specialist
MADA is Hiring Now Purchasing Specialist for a Factory Located In Badr City, Experience:1-3 Years in Factories, English: Very Good, Preferred residency in or near Badr City, Al-Shrouk City, Al-Obour City, 10th of Ramadan, Al-Sharqeya, Al-Zaqaziq - Belbes.
Interested Candidates Should Send their Updated CVs to osama_abdelrazek@mada.com.eg
Male Food & Beverage Sales “ Zupervisors “ Required– KidZania Cairo
Kindly send your CVs to Careers@KidZania.com.eg
“Electrical Engineer “is urgently needed for a big multinational FMCG Company located in Egypt
• Monitoring the utilities performance in terms of electrical part.
• Create saving energy programs help the business to reduce the electrical consumption & increase the performance of our equipment.
• Accountable for implementing the PM program in the filling machines with cooperation with mechanical engineers.
• Ensuring that all the plant areas follow the electrical standards for adding or removing any equipment required for performing an assigned job & they abide by
the power quota assigned for each area.
• Guarantee smooth operation of production facilities in cooperation with utilities manager.
• Ability to produce periodic management reports that are clear and concise is also an essential requirement.
• Attending shift pattern to ensure high performance operation whenever needs.
• A strong track record in managing a team that follows sound OH&S practices is essential.
• BSC of power & electrical machines.
• 3 years of experience.
Kindly send your CV to: info@multi-skills.com, please write “Electrical Engineer " in the subject line of your E-mail.
#vodafone #vacancies #evo_business
EVO Business Solutions is giving you the opportunity to be Vodafoner from the 1st day and move internally after one year.
Title: International call center advisor “BRITISH Account”
Get the chance to have the international exposure in one of the most reputable telecommunication companies worldwide.
-Handle British Customers inquires and complaints.
-Log customer details on the CRM.
-Provide customer with accurate information and right solutions.
-Performs other duties as assigned by management
1) Graduates and Undergraduates who are flexible to work 10 hours per day
2) Fluent English is a Must
3) Excellent communication & problem solving Skills
4) Flexible with shift basis (10 hours rotational shifts 5 days a week and 2 days off)
1) Starting Net Salary 2,400 EGP(Full time)
2) VPN (Limited mobile line)
3) Meal Allowance
4) Social and medical insurance
5) Transportation is provided
6) Gym Access based on availability
If you are interested to build up your career path in one of the most reputable multinational companies that will help you in your long term plan, just send your CV at: jobs@evo-bs.com
Quoting in the subject line “UK”
Sales Specialist
National Technology
Meet with the clients to Introduce the company profile ,
Handle the process of tenders and get the tender documents and follow up on the process of tender acquisition,
Coordinate with the Implementation Team on how the work will be done,
Handle the payment process by the major clients to the company,
Follow up with the Purchasing Department on acquiring hardware parts if required,
if you are interested send your Cv through Jobs@nt-me.com
مطلوب لكبرى المتشفيات بالمملكة العربية السعودية:
استشارى عناية مركزة.
استشارى جراحة مخ واعصاب.
استشارى اشعة
اخصائية تغذية
على الراغبين فى التقدم برجاء ارسال السيره الذاتيه على : i.mohamed@elmaalygroup.net
مطلوب لمجموعه صيدليات الفؤاد :
*مساعدين صيادلة
*مسئولين تجميل
(من الجنسين و يشترط الخبرة/ فترات صباحية- مسائية)
*مساعدين مخازن (ادوية / تجميل) خبرة فى مجال الصيدليات
لمناطق : التجمع الخامس- المهندسين
مرتبات مجزية – تأمينات - بدلات
Photo: مطلوب لمجموعه صيدليات الفؤاد :
*مساعدين صيادلة
*مسئولين تجميل
(من الجنسين و يشترط الخبرة/ فترات صباحية- مسائية)
*مساعدين مخازن (ادوية / تجميل) خبرة فى مجال الصيدليات
لمناطق : التجمع الخامس- المهندسين
مرتبات مجزية – تأمينات - بدلات
GMS is hiring for a well known company located in Maadi an " Executive Secretary" with the following requirements:
1) Males Only.
2) Age between 24 to 28.
3) From 2 to 3 years of experience in the same field.
4) Bachelor degree.
5) Very good command of English..........
6) French language is preferable.
7) Good command of ( MS Office, MS windows, SAP preferable).
1) Attractive salary.
2) Transportation.
3)Social Insurance.
Working environment:
Indoor 95%, outdoor 5%
Working days: 5 days.
Working hours: 8 hours.
If you are interested kindly send your CV on the following email yara.khedr@gmsegypt.com. Write the subject " Executive Secretary".
مطلوب موظفات تلي سيلز لشركة كبري بالمعادي
خبرة وبدون وطلبة
مرتب 1200+عمولات+مكافآت
مواعيد العمل من 9 ص : 5 م
برجاء ارسال رقم التليفون لاجراء اختبار الوظيفة عبر الهاتف
Urgent Required For IT Company
Location: Nasr City
Position: Secretary
Requirements : Female - Excellent English – Presentable- not veiled- Resident of Naser city or Heliopolis
Experience: 2 years min
Interested candidates please send your CV with a recent photo & mentioned the job title in the subject to: cairo@sanaya.net
EgyptNetwork is hiring Senior SharePoint developer located in Mansoura, Egypt
3+ years experience is required
MS FAST experience is required
if you are interested send your CV to d.rasem@egyptnetwork.com
جميع الوظائف المنشورة منقولة من رسائل صفحة وظائف مصرية على الفيس بوك
تنويه :1- الرجاء التاكد من بيانات صاحب الاعلان
2- عدم التعامل مع شركات التوظيف الا بعد معرفة المصاريف الادارية
3- عدم ارسال بيانات شخصية على ايميل مجانى
4- عند معرفة اسم الشركة الرجاء البحث جيداً على جوجل
5- الرجاء عدم ارسال سيرة ذاتية الا بعد التاكد من اسم الشركة والايميل
6- عدم إجراء مقابلات فى اماكن عامة ابداً
7- المقابلات الشخصية نهاراً فقط
8- متابعة الاصدار اليومي لجريدة وظائف مصرية
الرجاء ذكر المصدر من موقع وظائف مصرية على الفيس بوك
تابع جروب "وظائف الحكومية المصرية" على الفيس بوك
للمزيد من فرص العمل الحكومية والخاصة تابع اكبر صفحة نشر وظائف فى مصر على الفيس بوك
متابعة جميع الوظائف الحكومية لحظه بلحظه نزل الان تطبيق وظائف مصرية من سوق جوجل بلاي