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الصفحة الرئيسية

وظائف شركة HP بالقاهرة 1/9/2014

وظائف شركة HP بالقاهرة 1/9/2014

1) Application Development People Manager
HP - Cairo,

Job description
Business development activities to grow the Hub engagements.
Plan for and deliver a workforce that ensures proper utilization.
Perform people management activities for individual contributors and/or supervisors.
Applies advanced subject matter knowledge to manage staff activities in solving common and complex business/technical issues within established policies.
Provides guidance on process improvements and recommends changes in alignment with business tactics and strategy for area of responsibility.
Plans, directs and monitors operational/tactical/technical activities of Staff.
Recruits and supports development of direct staff members.
Strong leadership skills with solid track record of leading Applications development teams ; with 10+ years of experience.
Experience in J2EE, AMOD and Agile methodology
Exceptional communication skills.
Strong capability in leading people (conflict mgt., career plans, performance reviews, hiring).
Has the ability to lead business development activities.
Strong customer handling skills.
Bachelor degree, and PMP/MBA certified.

2) Testing People Manager
HP - Cairo,

Job description
Business development activities to grow the Hub engagements.
Plan for and deliver a workforce that ensures proper utilization.
Perform people management activities for individual contributors and/or supervisors.
Applies advanced subject matter knowledge to manage staff activities in solving common and complex business/technical issues within established policies.
Provides guidance on process improvements and recommends changes in alignment with business tactics and strategy for area of responsibility.
Plans, directs and monitors operational/tactical/technical activities of Staff.
Recruits and supports development of direct staff members.
Set the directions for, and drive implementation of specialized (Performance & Mobile Testing) services in the Testing Practice to meet business needs & ensure the maturation of the specialized testing group.

Strong leadership skills with solid track record of leading large applications testing teams; with 10+ years of experience.
Strong experience across- Functional Testing, Performance, and/or Mobile Testing
Exceptional communication and interpersonal skills.
Strong capability in leading people (motivating, coaching, conflict mgt., career plans, performance management/reviews, hiring, etc…).
Strong ability to lead business development activities.
Solid understanding of business planning methods.
Strong customer handling skills.
Excellent collaboration skills
Assertive, proactive, result oriented and self directed management skills
Bachelor degree and PMP/MBA certified.

تابع جروب "وظائف الحكومية المصرية" على الفيس بوك

للمزيد من فرص العمل الحكومية والخاصة تابع اكبر صفحة نشر وظائف فى مصر على الفيس بوك

متابعة جميع الوظائف الحكومية لحظه بلحظه نزل الان تطبيق وظائف مصرية من سوق جوجل بلاي

تقدم الى كبري الشركات المصرية والعربية بتسجيل سيرتك الذاتية كاملة
وظائف شركة HP بالقاهرة 1/9/2014


كاتب المقالمتخصص في قسم: وظائف الحكومة المصرية محرر صحفي مهتم بكتابة مقالات واعلانات التوظيف ونشر كافة الوظائف والاعلانات الخاصة بالتوظيف داخل القطاعات الخاصة والحكومية .
    الاسمبريد إلكترونيرسالة