وظائف شركة الحفر المصرية Egyptian Drilling company - بتاريخ 28 سبتمبر 2014

HR Opportunities:Egyptian Drilling company is hiring; Please don’t apply if you are not matching with the requirements.
- OD Specialist (2-4) years working experience in the following activities; Organization Structure, Job Analysis, Competencies , Performance Management.
If you are interested, send your CV to vacancies@egyptian-drilling.com with (the job) in the subject of the email.
HR Opportunities:Egyptian Drilling company is hiring; Please don’t apply if you are not matching with the requirements.
-Compensation & Benefits Expert: (2-4) years working experience in the following activities; Job Evaluation preferable is using HAY methodology, Salary Grading structure.
If you are interested, send your CV to vacancies@egyptian-drilling.com with (the job) in the subject of the email.
HR Opportunities:Egyptian Drilling company is hiring; Please don’t apply if you are not matching with the requirements.
-Payroll Supervisor: (2-4) years Working Experience on ORACLE.
If you are interested, send your CV to vacancies@egyptian-drilling.com with (the job) in the subject of the email.
تابع جروب "وظائف الحكومية المصرية" على الفيس بوك
للمزيد من فرص العمل الحكومية والخاصة تابع اكبر صفحة نشر وظائف فى مصر على الفيس بوك
متابعة جميع الوظائف الحكومية لحظه بلحظه نزل الان تطبيق وظائف مصرية من سوق جوجل بلاي